Ten Safari National National Parks in Uganda

 Ten Safari National National Parks in Uganda

 Ten Safari National National Parks in Uganda: Uganda is ranked to have some of the most exciting safari destinations, Uganda is home to ten thrilling national parks filled with electrifying wildlife, all these national parks are under the protection of the Uganda Wildlife Authority which is a government agency Programme that takes full responsibility, protection and management of the wildlife.

As you get to adventure the country you must have a stop over at these national parks and get to be thrilled with the beauty that is found in them and they are as below;

  1. Lake Mburo National Park.

Lake Mburo National Park is situated in Lyantonde district from the east of Mbarara town and it is known as the smallest savannah national park in Uganda covering 370 square kilometers. It was established as a national park in 1983.

  1. Semuliki National Park.

Semuliki National Park is found in Bundibugyo district in the western part of Uganda and it is also one of the smallest national parks in the country hosting about 53 animal species; hippos, potto, bush babies, forest elephants, monkeys, zebras, buffalo, giraffes, and 441 bird species.

  1. Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is the second largest national park covering an area of about 1980 square kilometers and it located in Kasese district in the western region of Uganda commonly known for its unique tree climbing lions and home to over 95 animal species; Zebras, antelopes, Nile crocodiles, Nile monitor lizards, warthogs, baboons, leopards, antelopes, giraffes and 600 bird species.

 Ten Safari National National Parks in Uganda
Queen Elizabeth National Park
  1. Murchison Falls National Park.

Murchison falls is the biggest national park and known as the oldest conservation area home to over 76 animal species like; hippos, leopards, lions, Nile crocodiles, giraffes, chimpanzees and 450 bird species; aquatic birds like the rare shoebill stock which makes it a perfect destination for tourists. The main attraction of the park is the devil’s cauldron and the park is filled with the savannah grasslands, swamps, woodland, forests, and riverine.

  1. Kidepo Valley National Park.

Kidepo valley national park is located in the North East part of Uganda near Karenge in Kaboong district covering an area of 1442 square kilometers home to over 77 mammal species like; African buffalo, bat- eared foxes, wild dogs, lions, cheetah, spotted hyena and 475 bird species. Kidepo valley is a place where you can find the majesty of the common ostrich and the secretary bird.

  1. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is located in the south of Kisoro town about 15 kilometers and about 55kilometers west of Kabale district Famous for mountain gorillas offering sightseers numerous safari activities Such as; Gorilla trekking, golden monkey trekking, cave expeditions to Garama caves, hiking at mount Gahinga, nature walks, Batwa community visits, bird watching.

  1. Mount Elgon National Park.

Mount Elgon national Park is located in the eastern region of Uganda, in Mbale and Kapchorwa districts. It was established as a national park in the year of 1968 and covers 1,121 square kilometers. Victors will have a journey of about 3-4 hours to get to the park.

  1. Kibale National Park.

Kibale national park is located in Kabarole district in the western part of Uganda. This park covers an area of about 795 square kilometers. This park is near Fort Portal town which is known as the biggest town Kabarole district. It is a land where there is strong culture heritage it being the most populated with the Batooro tribe who have the Kings palace at the heart of fort portal.  It is 4-5 hours from Kampala city to the national park which covers 308 kilometers.

  1. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable national park is located in the southwestern part of Uganda in Kanungu district known as the haven for the endangered species of Mountain Gorillas and it harbors 800 mountain gorillas and 120 animal species, 400 planet species and over 350 bird species. This is one of the parks where tourists will be able to track mountain gorillas and the other park is Mgahinga Gorilla National Park offering sightseers Several activities that tourists can participate in the National Park include; Gorilla trekking, the Batwa trail experience, birding, forest walks, Gorilla habituation, biking.

  1. Mount Rwenzori National Park.

Mount Rwenzori National Park was established as a national park in the year of 1991. It is based in Kasese district and it of the most famous parks that tourists never to miss checking it out during there are visit.Mount Rwenzori National Park hosts a number of 60 mammal species  such as; Blue monkeys, Olive balloons, Red tailed monkeys, white Columbus monkeys, elephants, leopards  and 200 bird species; Rwenzori blue Turaco, Rwenzori blue nightjar, and the Rwenzori Batis and many others.During the stay of tourists at the national park, these are the following activities that they can be able to do; Climbing Mount Rwenzori, Birding, Nature Walks, Hiking and many more.

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