Kyambura gorge chimpanzee trekking

Kyambura gorge chimpanzee trekking; Chimpanzee trekking is the major activity in Kyambura gorge and it involves tourists moving into the tropical rainforest in search of the chimpanzees and once found spend one hour with them in their natural habitat. Kyambura gorge also known as the valley of apes is a tropical rainforest located in eastern part of Queen Elizabeth national park. The gorge is famously known for harboring chimpanzees, other primates like black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, mammals and different bird species.

Chimpanzee trekking experience in Kyambura gorge

Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura gorge starts very early in the morning with a briefing about the rules and regulations to follow during trekking. After the briefing, you will start trekking in the forest which takes about 30 minutes to 5 hours depending on where the chimpanzees are located because they like to move from one place to another in search of food. During trekking you will be able to view other wildlife species and once the chimpanzees are found, you will be allowed to spend one hour with them in their habitat which gives you an opportunity to learn about their behaviors, watch them carry out their daily activities, take photos and record videos to show people back home after the safari.

Cost of chimpanzee trekking permits in Kyambura gorge

 Chimpanzee trekking permit in Kyambura gorge costs 50 USD per person for foreign non residents, 40 USD per person for foreign residents and 30,000 UGX per person for East African citizens. The chimpanzee trekking rates include guide fees, nature walk and exclude park entrance fees in Queen Elizabeth national park which is 40 USD per person for foreign non residents, 30 USD per person for foreign residents and 20,000 UGX per person for East African citizens.

How to book chimpanzee trekking permits in Kyambura gorge

Chimpanzee trekking permits in Kyambura gorge can either be booked directly through Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or through a trusted tour operator like Achieve Global Safaris where you will contact us with the date, month and year when you wish to visit the chimpanzees. After contacting us, we will check for permit availability and if there are permits available on your desired dates, you will be asked to make a deposit. Once we receive the money, we will acquire the chimpanzee trekking permits on your behalf. Booking chimpanzee trekking permits through Achieve Global Safaris is however the best option to use in that we will save you the hustle and also plan for your entire safari which includes accommodation, transportation to Kyambura gorge, other activities to engage in after chimpanzee trekking and other destinations to visit during the safari.

kyambura chimps

Best time to visit Kyambra gorge for chimpanzee trekking

Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura gorge can be done all year round through the best period is during the dry season in the months of June to September and December to February because during this period there is less or little rainfall in the gorge therefore chimpanzee trekking trails will be dry and passable which makes trekking easy.

How to get to Kyambura gorge

Kyambura gorge is located in the eastern part of Queen Elizabeth national park and can be accessed by road transport means where tourists will drive from Kampala via Masaka Mbarara or Mubende Fort portal to the park headquarters which takes about 7 to 8 hours’ drive.

Kyambura gorge can also be accessed by air transport means where by tourists will book scheduled or charter flights from Entebbe international airport of Kajjansi airfield to Mweya or Kasese airfield and then connect to Kyambura gorge by road. Domestic flights to Queen Elizabeth national park can be booked by your trusted tour operator.

Where to stay during chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura gorge

There are a number of accommodation facilities near Kyambura gorge where you can stay during your chimpanzee trekking safari. The accommodations range from budget, midrange and luxury including Kyambura gorge lodge, Enganzi game lodge, Elephant hab lodge, Engiri game lodge and campsite, Kingfisher lodge, Kyangabi crater resort, Pumba safari cottages, Parkview safari lodge, Twin lakes safari lodge, Buffalo safari lodge, Irungu forest safari lodge, Elephant plains lodge, Queen Elizabeth bush lodge, Albertine valley lodge, Rift valley game lodge, Katara lodge, Tembo safari lodge among others.

Chimpanzee trekking in Kyambura gorge is an exciting activity that can be combined with other interesting activities in Queen Elizabeth national park such as game drives in Kasenyi and Ishasha sector, boat cruise on Kazinga channel, guided nature walks, lion tracking experience, bird watching, cultural ours among others.  For more information about Kyambura gorge chimpanzee trekking, you can contact us at Achieve Global Safaris.

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