Expore Historical Sites of Uganda

Expore Historical Sites of Uganda : Uganda the pearl of Africa is blessed to be filled with many traditional, Archaeological and natural sites that speak a lot about the country’s origin, culture, history and tradition. These sites are found in the different regions / parts of the country. Taking time and visiting these historical sites   can indeed make a tourist’s Uganda cultural safari interesting and thrilling. Let’s look at the different historical sites that Uganda has.

Kasubi tombs; This is an amazing traditional grass thatched architecture that is used as burial grounds for the Buganda Royal family mainly the Kings and it is where the 4 dead kings of Buganda also known as the Kabaka and those close to the crown were buried. Kasubi tombs is highly respected by the Baganda people as they attach great spiritual, cultural and political significance to this burial site. Kasubi tombs is located in Kampala capital city approximately 5.5 km from Kampala city centre.

While at Kasubi tombs, a tourist can visit the Bajjabukula which is the entrance, the kibira known as the sacred forest where the spirits of the Buganda ancestors are believed to dwell and it is only to be accessed by the wives of the dead kings and a few members of the Buganda royal family. Kasubi tombs also has a place known as the Olugya which is the main courtyard. while on a Uganda cultural tour at Kasubi tombs, one gets to learn deeply about the cultural origin and stories of the Baganda people especially the Baganda royal family.

Nyero rock painting site; Nyero rock painting are found in the eastern part of Uganda in the district of Kumi and is 8km from Kumi town and approximately 250km from Kampala capital city. This is where rocks were beautifully painted in the ancient times by the early men who used different tools to come up with beautiful rock paintings. Nyero Rock painting sites are also a few kilometres from Lake Kyoga Uganda’s most swampy and shallow fresh water lake. While on a Uganda Historical site tour, a tourist shall be able to learn the ancient stories about the rocks, how they are believed to have been painted, the different techniques used to preserve and protect the painting site. This shall indeed make ones Uganda safari at Nyero rock painting interesting.

Uganda Martyrs catholic shrine Basilica, Namugongo; Namugongo Martyrs shrine is a place of deep importance for both religious mainly catholic faith and historical reasons. It is found in Wakiso District, Kira Municipality and in the central part of Uganda. Namugongo Martyrs shrine is approximately 10 kilometers northeast of the Kampala capital city. This shrine is commemorates the martyrdom of 22 of the Ugandan young male Christians who were executed for their faith in Christ between the year 1885 to 1887.

The history of Namugongo martyrs is deeply linked with the history of Christianity in Uganda. During the late 19 centuries, Christianity began to spread in the Uganda which was brought about by the catholic and Anglican church missionaries. However, the growth of Christianity faced big back lash r from the then ruling king of Buganda Kabaka Mwang II who perceived the spread of Christianity as a threat to his authority. Thus In 1885, Kabaka Mwanga II ordered the massive execution of a group of Christian converts by burning them to death, including both Catholics and Anglican converts. Majority of these martyrs were killed in Namugongo thus leading to the creation of the Namugongo catholic and Anglican shrines in Wakiso district. Where Christians take pilgrimage to renew their faith and believing in the intercession of the Uganda Martyrs.

Expore Historical Sites of Uganda
Namugongo Shrine

Amaberega Nyinamwiru; Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru Caves is found in fort portal also known as Kabarole district in Western Uganda. This cave is approximately 298km from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. While on a Uganda cultural/ historical site safari, one can get to visit and listen to interesting stories which is believed to be the cave where the king cut and threw the breast of the wife to prevent a catastrophe from occurring among others.

Speke memorial monument; The Speke monument is found in jinja town also known as the tourist city to mark the source of the Nile River. The part of Lake Victoria that is around Jinja is where the Nile River begins its journey.  The Speke monument was name after the British Explore John Speke Hannington who first found the source of River Nile on 3rd August 1858. The Speke monument is a great tourist attraction especially while explore the source of one of the world’s longest rivers.

While on a Uganda historical site tour/ safari one can visit the above-mentioned sites and learn about the different significance and history of these sites, take beautiful pictures of the site as souvenirs.

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