Equator at queen Elizabeth national park


Equator at queen elizabeth national park : One of the attractions in Queen Elizabeth national park is the equator monument that is found at Kikorongoro. At this landmark you can take a number of photos that will always remind you of the pearl of Africa when you return home. Queen Elizabeth national park is found in in the western region of Uganda and extends to districts like Kamwenge, Rukungiri, Rubirizi and Kasese where it is located. The location of Queen Elizabeth is approximately 400 km away by road, south west of Kampala capital city.

This is the most recognized landmark on the map of Uganda. It is the major latitude that divides the world into two equal hemispheres, that is, northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. The equator is perpendicular to the earth’s axis of rotation and it also contains the earth’s center of mass.

Facts about the Equator.

At the equator, in Kasese- Queen Elizabeth national park, you can stand one foot in the southern hemisphere and the other in the northern hemisphere. Most visitors find this an amazing and memorable moment and experience. At this site a lot of memory making photography is taken by the visitors on their Ugandan safari en route here. A number of understandable experiments are demonstrated by the guide at equator to show evidence that it is the center of gravity of the whole world. To note, the equator has a number of landmarks in Uganda, that is, at Kayabwe, Kampala- Masaka Road, and Kasese.

The areas nearest to the equator experience full days and nights, that is, an early sunrise and a sooner sunset compare to other areas in Uganda. The temperatures too are slightly higher at the equator compared to the other areas and also experience a tropical kind of climate which makes it hard to tell the difference in the seasons of the year.

Standing on this landmark / line, you feel your body a little lighter about 3% lighter than the normal weight. This is how it happens; weight is the force by which gravity acts on the body mass. At this site the gravity forces is less by 0.5%, and this is the reason why you feel lighter at the equator line. What an amazing fact and how interesting would it be if you physically feel yourself lighter at the equator in queen Elizabeth?

News about this site monument in Queen Elizabeth is the earlier allegations about wrecking it down for the expansion of the road at Kikorongoro. On 19th/ February/ 2019, this monument of Queen Elizabeth national park was to be removed and there was a moment of tragedy as people where opposing the Idea of breaking the monument down. The minister of tourism here came out to the public and explained the reason for the decision made, that it needed reconstruction and also the road needed to be repaired.

What can you do from equator in Queen Elizabeth national park?

  • You can take photos with friends
  • You can enjoy the cultural performances by the Kikorongo dancing troupe
  • You can also visit the crafts shop courtesy of the Kokongoro women cooperative.
  • You can also buy some t-shirts as Ugandan souvenir with nice equator themes, and a lot more.
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