Activities that make Queen Elizabeth National Park Exceptional

Activities that make Queen Elizabeth National Park Exceptional

Activities that make Queen Elizabeth National Park Exceptional

While on a safari adventure into Uganda, one of the most exciting destinations for safari is none other than Queen Elizabeth National Park which is known to be the most attractive destination in the country filled with numerous attractions to marvel at.

The national park is located within the Eastern region of Uganda in the Kasese district lying at the back of Rwenzori mountains blesses tourists to capture of the stunning waterbodies such as crater lakes.

Queen Elizabeth National Park covers a total surface area of about 1980 square kilometers and was first known as Kazinga Channel National Park in 1952 it later derived its name after the visit of the Queen of England who was named Queen Elizabeth.

famously known for being home to tree-climbing lions and other stunning attractions such as; Lake Katwe, Kazinga channel, and animal species like; hippos, crocodiles, flamingoes and elephants among others.

tourists exploring this national park are also blessed with great opportunities to engage in various safari activities where they learn and gain a lot of experience. Therefore, some of these activities that make Queen Elizabeth National Park Exceptional include the following bellow;

Chimpanzee trekking.

Those that would love to also have a view at chimpanzees can as well get be engaged in the chimpanzee tracking activities at the national park which is always done for about 2-4 hours and led by well-experienced safari guides who take you to various trails within the national park and you get to marvel at the chimpanzees and other wildlife species that can be spotted along the way.

Activities that make Queen Elizabeth National Park Exceptional
chimpanzee trekking In Kyambura gorge

Bird watching.

Bird watching is one of the main reasons why one should consider visiting Queen Elizabeth national park and this because the national known to be home to over 600 bird species which makes it the destination bird lovers spot giving chances to sightsee many beautiful bird species such as; collared prantincole, pel’s fishing owl, the rare shoebill stork, swamp flycatcher, grey kestrel, the African green pigeon, Swallow, the Nubian woodpecker, swamp flycatcher, grey evaded king fisher, black crake, the African jacana, the yellow wagtail, knob billed duck, hooded vulture, white backed vulture, grey backed fiscal among others. more so, these bird species are spotted within habituated areas like; the Maramagambo forested area, katwe area, the Ishasha sector, Lake Kikorongo area, Kasenyi area, the Mweya Penisular area, the katwe area which consists of the Lake Munyanyange which harbours around large numbers of lesser flamingoes, Katuguru bridge area among others.

Lion tracking.

Visitors also have a chance to go for lion tracking safaris and these include tree climbing lions which is an exciting safari activity to be involved in as you get to explore the national park and this lead by well-trained safari trackers who will lead you to the various directions where you can get to marvel at these endangered species.

Putting aside the above-mentioned safari activities to stand as evidence as to why one should consider visiting the national park, there are so many other safari activities that tourists exploring this national can do such as; game viewing which allows them to marvel at various animals due to fact that this national park is a home to over 95 mammal species like; Uganda Kob, African elephants, gaint forest hogs, lions, leopards, waterbucks, warthogs, African buffalos, pelicans, hippos, giraffes among others, hot air ballooning this gives and experience where sightseers enjoy the amazing experience while flying up in the sky and capture an aerial view of the beautiful nature of the park, visiting caves such as; a bat cave which is situated within Maramagambo forest among others.

Contact our trusted tour operators for more information about Queen Elizabeth National Park and Book with our tours and travel companies such as; Achieve Global Safaris who offer the best tour packages while on your adventurous safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

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